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PortaBella: Fastest Mobile/Portable Internet on the go, 3G/4G/LTE Bonding Device
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Bandwidth Solutions
Mushroom Networks, Australia PortaBella
  • A great option for portable and mobile internet
  • Any cellular 3G / 4G / LTE can be easily bonded
  • The commercial version with Ultra-portable mechanism

Portabella is mainly used for providing effective internet access for mobile and portable devices by bonding with the cellular modems like 3G / 4G / LTE.

Portabella Server linked to Portabella enables to peer both uplink and downlink bonding by a specific protocol between the host and the mobile by bonding multiple cellular networks to generate increased performance and reliability. The network aggregation depends on the model, sometimes 4. 6 or even cellular modems are combined to give the higher bandwidth in both uplink and downlink bonding. The Portabella Server will also act as a transparent proxy, enabling the Portabella with a bonded connection out to the public Internet. If you are using the Portabella with Mushroom Networks Broadband Bonding service, there will be no need of the Portabella Server to uplink and downlink bonding. As the Portabella server is the part of the Broadband Bonding service of Mushroom Networks.

Portabella portable Internet access device has various models and all models support 3G bonding, 4G bonding and LTE bonding with some models also including WiFi and wired Internet WAN ports. The standard Portabella 141 and Portabella 8000 models are ideal for indoor use and the industrial ruggedizedPortabella 141i, Portabella 4000i, Portabella 8000i are ideal for more challenging mobile or portable deployments. Portabella 8000i and 4000i provide easy external access to up to 8 sim (or 4 sim) cards. Portabella 8000i has EN50155 and EN50121 certifications and is EN45545-2 compliant, making it an ideal candidate for delivering robust, high performance mobile Internet in vehicles, vessels, ships, trains and buses.

Downlink/uplink bonding in peered mode - Portable Internet access is achieved via 3G bonding. Portabella bonds Internet access lines (3G bonding / 4G bonding) for all types of traffic (including encrypted traffic such as VPN) for aggregated downlink and uplink capacity when peered over the Internet with Truffle Server device located at the headquarter office or data center. For single office setups optional Broadband Bonding Service subscription enables downlink/uplink bonding without requiring any BBNA devices at the headquarter office or data center.

Downlink/uplink bonding in peered mode - Portable Internet access - PortaBella

Aggregated downlink capacity in standalone mode - When not peered with another BBNA device, all HTTP downlink sessions use the aggregated bandwidth of the combined Internet access links, even in the case of a single HTTP session. For non-HTTP downlink sessions and all uplink sessions, PortaBella provides session-based intelligent load balancing across the access links in standalone mode.

Link failure recovery & link failover - In case of Internet access line failures, the PortaBella keeps the ongoing sessions alive by retransmitting the lost packets over the available access lines, even for the sessions in progress, without loss of data integrity. Additionally automatic failover protects against failures of one or more access link outages. This provides the most reliable portable Internet access.

Advanced QoS algorithms - All traffic routed through the PortaBella is intelligently managed to prioritize real-time traffic. Additionally a unique set of proprietary algorithms are implemented to improve real-time traffic latency metrics. For uplink streaming video applications, please check out our video product line.

DNS load balancing for inbound requests - PortaBella BBNA can be easily configured to provide Dynamic DNS load-balancing for inbound requests for internally hosted servers such as web-server, ftp-server, mail-server etc.

Transparent installation - The existing Local Area Network does not require any changes. No coordination, new equipment or software is needed from the Internet Service Provider(s). A remotely accessable browser-based management interface provides quick and easy configuration and system monitoring.

Additional features include: DHCP server (can be turned off), state-full firewall (can be turned off), port forwarding, DMZ, UPnP support and others.

1. Can I stream video with Portabella, the 3G bonding router?

No, PortaBella by itself will not enable video streaming without the additional modules required for video streaming. Teleporter is our turnkey solution for live video streaming. Teleporter is ideal for live video streaming and broadcasting applications. For webcasting, please refer to our Streamer solution.

2. Other than implementing bonding for the communication between the main office and mobile office, will PortaBella accelerate the Internet traffic at the mobile office?

Yes. PortaBella will bond all HTTP based downlink traffic for accelerated Internet traffic. PortaBella can also be configured to funnel all Internet traffic through the Bonding Proxy Appliance unit at the main office to enable bonded speed for the mobile location. This enables the fastest possible portable Internet access by 3G bonding.
For scenarios where there is no Mushroom Bonding Proxy Appliance unit in the main office that the PortaBella can peer to, PortaBella can peer with Bonding Proxy Appliances hosted by Mushroom Networks in their data centers. This optional subscription service - Broadband Bonding Service will enable PortaBella with bonded uplink and downlink Internet.
In case PortaBella operated in standalone mode (i.e. it does not peer to a Truffle unit at the data center nor to a server in Mushroom Networks operated data center), PortaBella will provide bonded http downlink traffic and will implement intelligent session based load-balancing for other traffic types.

3. Let's say I have 4 cellular data modems with 1Mbps downlink speed and 250Kbps upload speed each, after I install the Bonding Proxy Appliance in my main office and PortaBella in the mobile location, how fast will I be able to download/upload files?

PortaBella at the mobile locations with 4 cellular data cards will be able to upload with 4 x 250Kbps = 1000Kbps and download with 4 x 1 Mbps = 4 Mbps, providing a very fast and reliable portable Internet access. PortaBella can provide aggregate throughputs of up to 35Mbps with its unique 3G bonding technology.

4. How many cellular/wireless interfaces does the PortaBella BBNA support?

PortaBella has 4 built-in USB ports.

5. What types of addresses does PortaBella support?

BBNA supports DHCP, PPPoE and static IPv4 addresses assigned from your ISP. The PortaBella BBNA can be configured appropriately through the web-based management interface. In the case of a static address, the LAN port of the PortaBella BBNA can be connected to a switch, and devices connected to the switch can be publicly addressed from the Internet through their statically assigned IP addresses. By default, however, the PortaBella BBNA uses DHCP to obtain a dynamic IP address on each Internet access line.

6. Is the PortaBella BBNA designed to be compatible with my existing LAN equipment such as routers, switches and firewalls?

Yes. Any LAN interface on the PortaBella BBNA simply replaces the Ethernet port on a DSL modem or cable modem, in an existing LAN configuration with only one Internet access line.

7. Do I need to order anything special from my ISP to use the PortaBella BBNA?

No, Portabella's 3G bonding technology is transparent to the ISPs. PortaBella is a stand-alone product that does not require any special software, hardware, or configuration from the ISP.

8. Does the BBNA offer DHCP service on the LAN interface?

The DHCP server is enabled by default, but may be disabled, or configured to use a certain range which will not conflict with statically configured devices on your LAN.

9. Will I need to reconfigure my existing network to install the PortaBella BBNA?

No. The PortaBella BBNA supports a "Pass Through" mode of installation, for which no changes are required to the existing office data network. No changes to firewall settings or IP address re-assignment is required with the Pass Through mode. The Pass Through mode was designed to accomodate existing local office networks which fomerly had a single WAN connection to the Internet. In the Pass Through mode, the PortaBella BBNA is installed in-line between the legacy WAN modem and the legacy firewall/gateway router. The PortaBella BBNA is configured in this case by entering the IP address of the legacy WAN modem and the IP address of the legacy firewall/gateway router through the web-based BBNA Management Interface. Additional WAN modems can be plugged in to the PortaBella BBNA for enhanced performance and reliability on an as-needed basis, and will automatically be available to the legacy data network in the office.

10. Besides the Broadband Bonding®, does PortaBella BBNA also provide inbound DNS load-balancing?


11. Does the PortaBella BBNA support port forwarding?

Yes; port forwarding on the PortaBella BBNA is configurable through the web-based management interface.

12. Do I need the "Broadband Bonding Service" subscription with my BBNA device?

No. All BBNA devices will provide http downlink bonding and load-balancing for uplink and non-http traffic without requiring the monthly Broadband Bonding Service. Broadband Bonding Service will however provide additional bonding capability enabling bonding for all protocols in uplink and downlink.

13. Is Portabella also a 4G bonding router?

Yes, Portabella has 3G bonding software as well as 4G bonding software built-in. Portabella is a very versatile portable internet access device.


PortaBella 8000i, the 3G / 4G / LTE bonding appliance PortaBella 8000i, the 3G / 4G / LTE bonding appliance for portable Internet access, with ruggedized chassis and embedded sim cards Download PDF
PortaBella 4000i, the 3G / 4G / LTE bonding appliance PortaBella 4000i, the 3G / 4G / LTE bonding appliance for portable Internet access, with ruggedized chassis and embedded sim cards Download PDF
PortaBella 8000, the 3G / 4G bonding appliance PortaBella 8000, the 3G / 4G bonding appliance for portable Internet access Download PDF
PortaBella 141, the 3G / 4G bonding appliance PortaBella 141, the 3G / 4G bonding appliance for portable Internet access Download PDF
PortaBella 141i PortaBella 141i Download PDF

Please contact Mushroom Networks, Australia for the PortaBella BBNA User's Manual and other documentation.

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